Search Console-Website Verification Tool

Search Console

It is a basic tool of google to verify and submit websites. It is a free resource platform where our website can communicate with google and vice versa. Therefore, google call it as a mock-point. Google Webmasters tool is the old name of Search Console.

google search console

Important features of Search Console are:

  • Setting preferred country.
  •  Submit and check sitemap.
  • Set crawl Rate.
  • Can set a preferred domain.
  • Show crawl errors.


Steps to verify your website on search console

Step 1

v  Open the site-

Step 2

v  There is a display box with select property where we can add domain or URL prefix.

select property type on search console

v  In URL prefix paste your website address then- continue.

Step 3

v  Select the URL inspection from current window and paste your website address on that.

URL inspection on search console

Step 4

v  In the next appearing page, click on the button ‘TEXT LIVE URL’.

test live URL button on search console

v  When URL is automatically verified, it become green color.

automatic verification in search console and request indexing

v  Click on request indexing.

Step 5

v  Search your website address on

v  If your URL is available verification is done.

     ¬  If step 4 automatically verification not done :

5 verification methods

1.Html file verification method.

2.Html tag verification method.

3. Google analytics method.

4. Tag manager method.

5. DNS data method.
